Not Able to Preview



This is my first website designed in Publisher. I am getting an error
message that says my computer is blocking the "preview website" function.
What do I need to change to be able to preview what I am working on?


You aren't giving us much to go on...

If, when you tried to preview the page you get a yellow information box
across IE just below the menu, then read that and follow the directions.

If that isn't the error, then in Publisher, Tools, run Design Checker and
see what it finds. If you have page elements overlapping into the gray
scratch area, that can stop a web page preview.

If I wasn't lucky enough to guess right, then post back with details...the
more the better. Such as... What version of Publisher and Office. What
version of browser IE6 or 7...or FireFox? Which operating system XP or
Vista? Or what the specific error message was. Is your computer set to
automatically update itself? What AV and firewall are you using?



Hi again, I am using MS Publisher 2007 that is part of the MS Office 2007. I
am using XP, and Internet Explorer. I have McAfee with Comcast. I spoke to
Comcast this AM and I turned off all of the McAffee, that did not make any
difference. Could it be something in the Internet Explorer settings?

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