Not able to see Work / Actual Work in Right pane of Resource Usage


Vivek S


One of my Project Manager have assigned some tasks to a resource and have
received updaets.
In the Resource usage view, on the Left pane I inserted "Actual Work" column.
I am able to see Work and Actual Work for the resource in the Left pane.

However in the Right Pane (Yellow/ White) grid lines, I do not see any
It is happening for all the resources except 2. I checked the "resource
information" and compared for both cases and I do not see any difference in
that (except of course The Names and Windows Account are different)...

What is the issue ??? In the Gantt Chart View, the Actual hours are being
displayed correctly, but I want to see which resource worked for how much
hour on a particular task (and multiple resources are assigned to single

Pls help...

Dale Howard [MVP]

Vivek S --

Do you have the Actual Work details displayed in the timephased grid
(yellow/white grid) in the Resource Usage view? If not, right-click in the
timephased grid and select the Actual Work details from the shortcut menu.
Let us know if this helps.

Vivek S


Thanks for the response.
Yes, I have right clicked and selected to show the "Actual Work". But
"Actual work" does not appears. The more intriguing fact is that even "Work"
is also not appearing...
I guess that the Project Manager has done something wrong while selecting
the "Task Type" and due to that neither "work" nor "Actual Work" appears in
Resource Usage Timephased grid.
But not sure what is wrong. Still trying to figure it out.

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