not adding registry key to HKCU on Vista Standard User account


Bob Eaton

I have a WiX installer that consumes a mergemodule (built with VS.Net 2005)
that contains a COM Add-in for Word.

I'm using the standard Shim mechanism for the add-in, which creates the
'Addin' registry keys via a ".rgs" file in the Shim that gets registered on
install. It normally creates the keys beneath
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Word\Addins\<add-in name>

The installer works fine on XP and on Vista when I install it in an
Administrator user account. However, if I install it while logged into a
Standard User account--even if I run the setup program with elevated
privileges--it will not create those keys.

It does create keys in the HKU\.Default area as well as one of the
HKU\S-1-5-12\... areas (which probably corresponds to the Standard user
account), but they won't show up in the above key (HKCU area) where Word is
looking for them.

To make matters worse, if I consume that same merge module in a Visual
Studio-developed setup program, it will install correctly even on a standard
user account. So it's something missing in my WiX installer.

Anyone else come across this problem and/or a solution?


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