Not all of my imput masks work when exporting to MS Word


data reporting

I have an Access report which I analyze with MS Word. All of the field have
a specific number of space they must occupy, and the data has differend
lengths. For example: the first field must occupy 5 spaces, the second
field 10 spaces, the third 15 spaces:
xyz 123456789 abcdef
I put an input mask in the report to blank fill the unused space by putting
##### in the Input Mast property of the 1st field, ########## in the Input
Mast property of the 2nd field, and 15 # signs in the Input Mask property of
the 3rd field.
When I analyze the report with MS Word, only the blank spaces for the 2nd
field are there. The other two fields did not blank fill. I do not know how
to correct this. Any suggestions how to resolve this.
Further, when I have a field which does not get populated with data, I need
this field to be the number of blank spaces to fill the field, and these do
not work.

John Spencer

Input masks shouldn't have any effect on controls in a report. Do you mean
that you use the format property of controls?

For text fields I would use "@" not "#" and if you want the spaces to trail
the value you would use the ! operator. You could also use the format
function or other means to do this in a query.

Try the following format for the first field

Optionally you could use calculated fields in the underlying query to add
spaces to the end of the fields value. The following adds 5 spaces to the
end of the first field and then grabs the first 5 characters of that

Field: FirstField: LEFT([TableName].[FirstField] & Space(5),5)

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