Not all records merged



Hi. I'm new to Word merges. Basically what I wanted to do was have 2 labels
per 8.5 x 11 paper, each one ~4.5" high by 6.5" wide (one on the top of the
page, the other below). I created this by creating a custom document and
tested it with a merge of 5 records. When I performed the merge to a new
document, first it duplicated the same label twice on the same page. Then
when I added "Next record" after the top and bottom, it only showed one of
each, but only 4 records merged. Its like it gets to the end of 2 pages and
then gives out or something. Does anyone know how to set up the template to
avoid this problem?

Peter Jamieson

Suggest you edit your mail merge main document so that
a. it has one page with two "labels"
b. the first label /does not/ have a "Next record" field at the beginning
c. the second label has a "Next record" field at the beginnning
d there are no further "next record fields" on the page

then out ut to a new document and see what you get.

Peter Jamieson

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