Not all the fields are displayed



Using Access XP.
I have a report that is grouped by "Sources", no problem here. "Sources"
are based on information received from callers. The problem is that if a
source is not used it won't show on the report. For example, "Source" =
"Yellow Pages" is not used on Week 1, but it is used on Weeks 2, 3, and 4. It
will not show on Week 1 (because there are no call records for this source)
but it will show on the other three weeks. I want the Sources to show on all
the weeks regardless if there is a call record associated with it or not. Do
you need additional info.?

Also, can I insert a column break in a report?

Thank you.

Larry Linson

Check the Query you use for RecordSource... the "Source" and "Details"
tables should by joined with the option "All records from Sources and only
those that match from Details"... substitute your own table names.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Office Access MVP


I tried nad had an error message inidicating that i have to create one query
first and then another usin gthe first created query, I'll try that.

thank you.

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