Congrats! Sorry you didn't find out about the problems with using a Master
Page earlier. It is too bad that you can't use a Master Page in a Publisher
web...sure would make some things a lot easier.
I am not sure that I can see any difference in the images. If you look at
the home page, the band picture is:
and is the same in both IE and FF. It might actually look a tad more crisp
in FF to my eye, but that is probably my imagination. If you have examples
of images that don't look good, please provide a link to that page. Also be
sure to run the compress graphics feature:
Reference: Compress graphics file sizes to create smaller Publisher Web
pages (2003):
Reference: Compress Pictures dialog box (2007):
As per your audio file question...I think you are probably doing it the best
way by providing a link to the file so people can opt to download it. You
can insert a background sound into a Publisher web page, but that has the
danger of alienating those of us that hate background music on websites.
Don't get me wrong...I like music, but I like to choose when and what I
listen to, and not have it forced on me. Also, I clicked the link to
download the vienna_nights.m4a file, and it is 15.2 MB. That file would take
me about an hour and a half to download on my dial-up connection. I was glad
to see that you warned people of the file size. If you embedded that file in
your page in some sort of auto-run mode when I went to that page, I would
never hear it, as I certainly wouldn't be staying on that page for that
length of time. Also, I was curious about that file format and googled it,
and one of the first 10 hits for that was a post saying "I have an audio
file which won't run on media player. A box saying that the audio has an
..m4a extension which media player doesn't recognize. How can I fix this
problem?". If you have your file set to auto-run, some people will not be
able to play the file. Once again a reason for not setting things up for
auto-run. Perhaps someone else will have better advice about how to share
music files, or embed media players, but at this point I think the way you
are doing it now works fine. I believe that you should always give people
Opening links in a new browser window? There are a number of ways to do
this, and this article describes two:
I found it easier to use the html method at first, but eventually found the
ECMAScript code approach more versatile, as I could insert that hyperlink
into a normal text box with other text.
This was also after I found out that to use the ECMAScript code approach
note that the first javascript code snippet is incorrect on the website. Use
this instead:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">function Show(Url,
Name, Features) {, Name, Features); }</script>
As I use this a lot, I created a separate text box that I drug off into the
scratch area, where I can construct the hyperlink code snippet. I pasted the
link code snippet from the article:
', 'newwindow', 'toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,height=
into that text box, and made the box wide enough so that the code snippet
does not wrap to two lines. Then I tested it by copying it, and followed my
normal process of inserting a hyperlink, but just pasted the string into the
address field by using CTRL + V. I did a web page preview and tested it, and
then I had a "template" of the code snippet that I knew would work. I could
from that point on just copy and paste different URLs into my "template",
and I was less apt to make mistakes when I built other hyperlink code