The document is corrupt. It's probably the equations.
Make a copy of the document and remove all the equations.
Save that and see if it is OK.
If it is, re-make the equations. DON'T copy any of them, or you may copy
the problem.
If there are too many, you can use a "Binary Search" to find the bad one:
1) Open the document
2) Press Command + period (.) to stop the repagination.
3) Change the View to "Draft"
If Word crashes when you do this, then you will have to go back and get a
fresh copy of the document.
4) Divide the file in half, and save both halves under new file names.
5) If there is only one corrupt equation, the bad one will be in one half
document, the other half document will behave properly.
6) Divide the bad half in half... And again... And again...
7) Keep this up until you have only one equation in each half

Then you
know which the bad equation is.
8) Re-type the bad equation into the GOOD document. Do NOT copy any part
of the bad equation, or you will copy the problem and you'll have to start
This method will keep everything in the document except the bad equation(s).
Sadly, there may be more than one bad equation. Or the problem may not be
an equation: it may be a table, or a graphic, or a paragraph.
Thank-you Bob and John. I was wrong in stating my versions. I was doing that
by memory from my workplace and this computer is at home. I do have Tiger
10.4.11 and I never do other than combo updates. I also have the latest Word
2004 (11,5,6)
The problem is when I FIRST display the document I can read all graphics and
math formula. It's only if I do anything to the document (such as copy a
portion to another document) or print it as a pdf AND THEN save the Word
document that, when I NEXT open it I cannot see the graphic/math formula that
I could when I first opened it and I get the "memory" error.
What I've found is that if when I first open the document and then print it as
a pdf document (using the Adobe add-in) then I can at least preserve all the
graphics, etc. because they get lost on future openings of the document. If I
then copy the Word document to my PC at work and try to open it I get the same
But, why is it that I can originally see the entire document in all its glory,
but not subsequently?
The email below is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless I ask you to; or unless you intend to pay!
John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410 | mailto:
[email protected]