not pasting query



I have a workbook of 5 worksheet. In each one I have a one row query
and below that a stack of previous results. Each day I refresh the
query and copy/insert the results to the top of the stack. In 4 of
the sheets, after copying the results to the stack, the copied cells
do not have the query "in" the cells. I the last sheet, every time I
copy the results to its stack, the query ends up being "in" the
cells. So instead of a stack of static previous results, I have a
stack of queries that update each day and I loose the result on that
previous day. So the question is, what do I need to do so that I can
copy/paste the results and have the query not come along with it? I
know that I can paste special, values only, but I'd rather fix the
root problem and make the last sheet, like the first 4 and not have to
paste special. Any ideas?

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