Not printing proper # of columns from page setup



Using Project 2003, and the page setup gives you the option of printing a set
number of columns. Only Project chooses to ignore your request! Trying to
print 8 columns of data (not unreasonable) but can't. Please help, before
this over priced piece, drives me insane.

Rob Schneider

First, there are other less expensive project computation tools out
there, some free. Feel free to explore and experiment with other tools.
Some are quite attractive.

If you wish to use Project, it is not good about keeping you informed
about what it will and will not do. Probably did not print the eight
columns because they would physically not fit on the paper.

I just tried print 8 columns without messing around with the following
ideas and it worked in Project 2007. I do not have Project 2003 at hand
to try it.


1. create more "space" by printing to bigger pieces of paper. I will
always tell Project I'm print to A3 (equivalent to 11x14) and print it
to Adobe. Then with Adobe, "shrink" it to fit onto A4 (8.5x11) which I
most always have. To get even more on a sheet, print to an even bigger
sheet of paper and let Adobe shrink it down to the actual paper size you

2. uses small fonts, e.g. Arial Narrow 8 point. Narrow wide columsn
where necessary. Increase row widths if you want all text to print.



Hello Colin919,

I am guessing you are talking about printing the Gantt chart view?
What do you see when you print preview? How many columns are
showing when you look at the view (non-print preview). Try dragging
the split bar (separating Task Sheet and Gantt chart) further to the
right to show more columns.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

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information about Microsoft Project

Jan De Messemaeker


Cointrary to what it looks like at first sight, Page setup DOES NOT give you
the opportunuty to specify the number of columns visible on your print. It
asks you how amny columns you want to see repeated on every page when your
print is more thatn 1 page wide.
The number ofd columns viwible on a printout is THE NUMBER OF COLUMNS
TOTALLY VISIBLE IN THE VIEW with a minimum of 2.

Hope this helps,

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32 495 300 620
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