I have a user that received a message where th subject says: HOLD: Not Read
or just Not Read' and the message body says, 'deleted withoutbeing read on
10/8/2006 6:07 AM' . Oct 8 is a Sunday and the recipient said she did come to
work and delete the messages. There were a lot of these Not Read messages and
were generated the same day and time. By the way, some were generated from
calendar scheduled events that were put On HOLD.
What cause the system to generate this messagges?
Thank you.
I have a user that received a message where th subject says: HOLD: Not Read
or just Not Read' and the message body says, 'deleted withoutbeing read on
10/8/2006 6:07 AM' . Oct 8 is a Sunday and the recipient said she did come to
work and delete the messages. There were a lot of these Not Read messages and
were generated the same day and time. By the way, some were generated from
calendar scheduled events that were put On HOLD.
What cause the system to generate this messagges?
Thank you.