Try this formula...
=IF('Piazzo Ware'!C74<>"",'Piazzo Ware'!C74,IF('Piazzo Ware'!C63<>"",
'Piazzo Ware'!C63,IF('Piazzo Ware'!C52<>"",'Piazzo Ware'!C52,IF(
'Piazzo Ware'!C41<>"",'Piazzo Ware'!C41,IF('Piazzo Ware'!C30<>"",
'Piazzo Ware'!C30,"None")))))
Rick (MVP - Excel)
We'll get you straightened out, but first... this appears to be a
question than you asked originally. Let's see if we can find out your
question so we can write the code to do what you want. First off, let's
sure the range of cells you gave us wasn't just an example. The only cells
you want to search for data in are C30,C41,C52,C63 and C74... correct? If
not, you need to tell us what is actually to be search (that is, what
can contain data that you are looking for). Next, what is it you are
for. Your first post appeared to say you want the last one (highest row
numbered cell) of C30,C41,C52,C63,C74 that contains any data... is that
correct (there was a small question in my mind whether you wanted the
rather than the last cell in the column with data)? Your latest post
to say you are looking for the text "Piazzo Ware C74", and not just any
text... which is it? Perhaps if you gave us a couple of example data
and showed what you are looking for (and where you want it at), then maybe
we can better help you out.
Thanks. So, yes those are the cells, yes I want to start at line 74
and work up ending at line 30. Here is what I have-Have worksheet
(Piazzo Ware Deal Sheet C6 where the final value will be displayed)
that will go to adjacent worksheet (Piazzo Ware-where all these cells
are C74-C30) and I want it to start at bottom of sheet at Line C74 and
return the value ($180) if the fomula in there calculates one. If it
doesn't then go to C63 and if there's no value then C52 and so on. So
whenever and where ever the first value is calculated, I want it to
appear-it could be on C74 or it could be on C30 (all these cells
C74,C63,C52,C41 and C30 have a formula in them but only calaculate
based on a value in another cell in a different part of the same
After it is working, I want to drag it across so the same happens in
D, then E then F in this worksheet (Piazzo Ware Deal sheet) . I am
happy to attach the 2 sheet if possible so you can see them