Anne Hecht
I have a query:
Articles: ([Articles.Author1] & "" & [Articles.Author2] & " " & [Articles.ArticleName] & " " & [Articles.PubInfo] & "PMC ID" & [Articles.PubMedNumber] & ".")
But some of the items don't have a PubMedNumber and as you can see I have "PMC ID" hard coded to precede the PubMedNumber. Is there any way to not have it print if there is no PubMedNumber. I think there isn't, but you guys are a lot smarter than me.....
EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
Imagelink HTML helper class for Asp.net MVC
Articles: ([Articles.Author1] & "" & [Articles.Author2] & " " & [Articles.ArticleName] & " " & [Articles.PubInfo] & "PMC ID" & [Articles.PubMedNumber] & ".")
But some of the items don't have a PubMedNumber and as you can see I have "PMC ID" hard coded to precede the PubMedNumber. Is there any way to not have it print if there is no PubMedNumber. I think there isn't, but you guys are a lot smarter than me.....
EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
Imagelink HTML helper class for Asp.net MVC