Not sure if this is Macro or VB Event



"On Change" of in a certain field - I need other fields auto-grayed out. For
example, on assessment inventory - once "distributed" it is either
"destroyed" OR returned to stock but not both.

So...if I enter data into the "returned to stock" fields - then the
"destroyed" fields should "auto-gray". if I enter data into the "destroyed"
then the "returned to stock" fields should gray.

Can anyone assist me? Thanks, M

David Benyo via

One way might be to create a combobox with two values {Destroyed, Returned to

Create an AfterUpdate event for the combobox. In the event:

Select Case [Your combobox name]
Case "Destroyed"
me.fieldname.visible = False 'For Return to Stock fields
me.fieldname.visible = True 'For Destroyed fields
Case "Return to Stock"
me.fieldname.visible = False 'For Destroyed fields
me.fieldname.visible = True 'For Return to Stock fields
End Select

So when a user selects the process, the fields pertinent to that choice
become visible.

Another option is to use this same setup, but instead of me.fieldname.visible
= True/False, use me.fieldname.enabled = True/False. This will enable/disable
the field and cause it to be greyed out. Same concept, different approach.

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