Not sure what to do



An individual in our company has created a locked form, he is on vacation and this is an emergency project.

The form is a template with its own macros in them. The macros allow the user to use spell check and bold as buttons on the toolbar. The problem is that the users now need to insert photos with caption. They are able to insert the photo but since the form is locked the feature captions is not available. Is there a way to have that feature available in the template as he as allowed spell check and bolding

If I need to ask in another Office Group please refer me to the right one. Thanks in advance.

Ian Bayly

Hi Danielle

Not really a "pure" answer but you could use an image editor to add the
caption to the photograph and then both photograph and caption are an image.
Security (passwords) are tough to crack, particularly an Word 2000 and


Ian B
Danielle said:
An individual in our company has created a locked form, he is on vacation
and this is an emergency project.
The form is a template with its own macros in them. The macros allow the
user to use spell check and bold as buttons on the toolbar. The problem is
that the users now need to insert photos with caption. They are able to
insert the photo but since the form is locked the feature captions is not
available. Is there a way to have that feature available in the template as
he as allowed spell check and bolding?
If I need to ask in another Office Group please refer me to the right one.
Thanks in advance.


Hi Danielle,

I am confused...
What is the problem? Is it locked without you knowing the password? Is the
VBA project locked with an unknown password?

If the former, and you want to generate a document quickly based on the
template, well, if you can use something quick and dirty until the
vacationee returns...
create a document from the template;
fill in the fields;
save it;
create a blank document;
set its margins exactly like the one from the template;
insert the file you have just saved in it (it will not be locked anymore);
insert the picture where you want;
lock it up;
save it.

Note that you will loose all the macros at that point.

I am merely suggesting this as an alternative until you really fix the
problem, i.e. when you get the password!


p.s. Yes, you can write a macro that will allow you to insert pictures in a
locked form.
Jean-Guy Marcil
(e-mail address removed)

Danielle said:
An individual in our company has created a locked form, he is on vacation
and this is an emergency project.
The form is a template with its own macros in them. The macros allow the
user to use spell check and bold as buttons on the toolbar. The problem is
that the users now need to insert photos with caption. They are able to
insert the photo but since the form is locked the feature captions is not
available. Is there a way to have that feature available in the template as
he as allowed spell check and bolding?
If I need to ask in another Office Group please refer me to the right one.
Thanks in advance.


I understand that this question was confusing but it is true that the creator of this macro/ template protects the template form with a password that no one else is allowed to have. So, when I tried to open the template as a document, I still need the password to even make changes. I want to thank you so much for your reply and enjoy the rest of you day!

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