Not sure what to title this


Chad Portman

I have a list of data that I update twice a day the data is always dumpped on
Sheet1 and then a macro sorts it to the next 7 sheets based on a recording I
did of filter and copy/paste. The problem is I am now being requested to add
another sheet that all the rows that did not get copied onto the above
mentioned 7 sheets go to this sheet and since this set of data can be random
I can not use record with filter and copy/paste. Is there a way to write a
macro to copy all rows of data on Sheet1 that do not meet the criteria for
Sheets2-8 and then paste in on Sheet9?

Using excel 2003


I'd use a helper column for marking with TRUE all filtered rows meeting the
criteria for Sheets2-8. Rows remaining with FALSE (or empty) helper column go
to sheet9.


„Chad Portman†ezt írta:

Chad Portman

Not what I did but It gave me an idea for another issue I had. For this issue
Since the last set of data can be random but is still limited to only 117
options I just made temp row with those options then record filter
copy/paste. Your method probaly would have been faster and I think it will
save me alot of time with my other issue so still High Five to you my friend.

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