Not updatble query


Raul Sousa

Dear all
I have the fowling query statement, returning a non updatable query.
I can not understand is it not updatable.

SELECT FacturaVenda.NIF, FacturaVenda.DocID AS Factura,
(nz([quantidade]*[preço]*(1+[iva]),0)-(nz([valor],0))) AS Divida,
Recebimentos.Valor, Recebimentos.Recibo
FROM (FacturaVenda LEFT JOIN Recebimentos ON FacturaVenda.DocID =
Recebimentos.Factura) INNER JOIN VendaArtigos ON FacturaVenda.DocID =
WHERE (((Left([FacturaVenda].[DocID],2))="ft")) OR

I most appreciate if some one could explain what is the problem whit it.

Jerry Whittle

It's the LEFT JOIN. It may be updateable if it's an inner join with one of
the fields being the table's primary key.

Even if it was just a single table, you wouldn't be able to update the
Divida field as it's a calculation.

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