Note Flag Summary Runtime Error


Eddie W.


Just uninstalled SP1 preview, re-installed from CD, then installed SP1. When generating a note flag summary, the system reports: "Runtime Error! This app has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. I have to reboot after that. This install seems to have made my tablet quite unstable. Anyone else experience this?

Erik Sojka

FWIW, no. I'm running ON SP1, XPT SP1+all Windows Update
patches on a Toshiba Portege 3500.

Does the NFS crash at the same point in time? Does the
progress bar alsays stop at, say, 50% before crashing?

Try to temporarily move out all of the files under "My
Notebook" and restart OneNote. Generate some bogus text
on a new section/page, flag the text and then try to re-
run the Note Flag Summary.

This may help to determine if it is bad data in a
particular *.ONE file or something else. Then I guess I
would start to move one section at a time back into
the "My Notebook" folder and see where it fails.

-----Original Message-----

Just uninstalled SP1 preview, re-installed from CD, then
installed SP1. When generating a note flag summary, the
system reports: "Runtime Error! This app has requested
the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. I have to
reboot after that. This install seems to have made my
tablet quite unstable. Anyone else experience this?

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