Note Summary help


Charlotte Hinger

Is it possible to organize a note summary page by selecting only certain note
flag categories? In other words, by excluding those I don't want?


Steve Silverwood

Is it possible to organize a note summary page by selecting only certain note
flag categories? In other words, by excluding those I don't want?

I don't see any way to filter them, but you can group the note flags in
the Note Flags Summary task pane by note flag name, then click on the +
for the group header to turn it to a - and collapse that group so that
just the group header shows.


-- //Steve//

Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Fountain Valley, CA
Email: (e-mail address removed)

Charlotte Hinger

Steve Silverwood said:
I don't see any way to filter them, but you can group the note flags in
the Note Flags Summary task pane by note flag name, then click on the +
for the group header to turn it to a - and collapse that group so that
just the group header shows.


-- //Steve//

Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Fountain Valley, CA
Email: (e-mail address removed)

Charlotte Hinger

Thanks. I thought I was overlooking some procedure. I'll keep on collasping


that does not help if the notes are not in the order you want. You end up
getting info. for many unwanted notes in the summary

Charlotte Hinger

OK. Maybe Microsoft will provide a selected note flag option in a future

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