Notebook outline autoformatting



I used to be able to tab over on anyline to reach the next note level,
and now, for a reason that I do not know, notebook is only allowing me
to reach the next note level if a lower note level is directly above

I want to just be able to move around freely again, like i used to be
able to.


also, i forgot to mention, i used to be able to hit delete, and get
back to the left edge of the paper. but now if i'm on level 2, and I
hit delete, it wont let me get to the left edge, it puts me directly up
to the line above. I want to be able to delete out to the left margin
like i used to also.

Daiya Mitchell

I don't use Notebook Layout and your posts do not make complete sense to me,
but in Preferences, Edit pane, there is a checkbox for "tabs and backspace
set left indent." See if checking it solves the problem.

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