Notelflags & Handwriting


Bob Atkinson

I use OneNote on my Motion LE1600 Tablet PC. I have an issue when using
NoteFlags with handwritten notes. I find that when I add a noteflag, the
size is not consistant and the positioning is not accurate. For example, if
I am making a handwritten list and I want a star noteflag next to each item,
I find that the stars are unevenly placed and are of varying sizes.

I am not sure how to have all my noteflags show up where I want them and at
the same size. This is only a problem for me when I use handwritten notes.

Chris H.

You're running OneNote SP1, correct? Perhaps Chris Pratley's blog on this
subject would help you: One
thing I might suggest is to make sure you're on the same "line" with your
notes. Humans have a tendency to write at a slight angle, and the flags may
be picking up other portions of a different line.

You may also be interested in a very fine demo of OneNote: It is
about 45 minutes in length. Every time I watch it, I learn something new.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Erik Sojka (MVP)

I'm guessing the size of your handwriting on each line of the list is
inconsistent. The size of the Flag icon should be the same size as that
of the text to which it is attached. Try as an experiment, to select all
of the items in the list and convert them all to text, then look at the
font sizes of the ensuing lines. I'll wager the resulting text differs
in size from line to line.

In any event, it's not something which affects the behavior of the Note

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