notepad to word


Pat McDonald

Help! I put some files in word notepad. Then the
computer prompted me if I wanted to put them in WORD
PERFECT FORM. I said "yes".... Then a box came up and
asked me for an identification number that appeared on the
CD container. I can't find the container with this
number, so I can't open the file. Is there another way i
can find my text?

Thanks, pat

Jay Freedman

Hi, Pat,

First, if you're correct about the message you mentioned, you should know
that WordPerfect is NOT the same as Word -- they're completely different
programs, with different file formats, from different companies. You should
probably be asking on a WordPerfect group -- try

Second, I've never heard of anything that prompts you to save Notepad files
in Word format (or WordPerfect either, though I'm not familiar with the
recent versions). Do you have any idea where that prompt came from?

Finally, if you can find the file, you can still open it with Notepad,
although it might now be loaded with formatting codes. In Windows Explorer,
right-click the file, click "Open With", and select Notepad from the menu.

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