Notes Disappearing


Linda Corbet

One of our users entered notes into one of his tasks and saved it and
submitted. Somewhere between that time and the time the scheduled was
published, the notes disappeared. Has anyone else had this type of problem?
Some notes he entered since then are on the notes entry but not two from last
week. Any ideas?



1. Check who has permission for this project. They may have deleted the notes.
2. There may be a macro the deletes notes on this project.

Linda Corbet

There are only two PMs for this schedule and neither of us deleted the notes.
We didn't create any macro to delete notes and not sure Project would have
one inserted by default. We did have other errors with this particular
schedule but we resaved and republished and it cleared out other errors. Not
sure if the schedule corruption could have caused the notes to disappear or
if the notes disappearing caused the schedule corruption. Kinda like the
chicken and the egg debate. Any other ideas? Thanks.


Linda Corbet

Anyone else having this problem. It is rearing it's ugly head again. Had a
user enter notes last week and the PM accepted the task updates and notes. I
looked in Project and his notes are there but they do not show up in EPM.
What shows up are all the notes previous to last week and what he typed in
today. Please help!



I am also experiencing notes disappearing, but in Project Professional 2007
working offline from Project Server. Editing a .MPP file task names and
inserting new tasks have both been observed to cause some notes contents to
disappear, be deleted or lost; whatever you want to call it. wrt similar
threads mentioning custom fields and macros, I have none of these. Something
particular to my environment is that there was once a connection to Project
Server 2007 which is no longer used. I always have to answer "work offline"
to a connect to server prompt during application startup.

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