Notes email from VB



Hi all,

I am trying to send emails from my Access database via Lotus Notes. I have the code which lets me do this, but I need to attach a couple of "Action buttons" to the outgoing email. I now this can be done directly in Notes, but was wondering if there is any VB code available which will allow me to automate this from my access database?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.


set notes = createObject("notes.notessession")

'Pulls the user's Mailbox Server and FileName from the
Let strMailServer = notes.GETENVIRONMENTSTRING
("MailServer", True)
("MailFile", True)

'Opens the Mail Database using the User's Parameters
Set MailDb = notes.GETDATABASE(strMailServer,

'creates the new document
Set CreateMail = MailDb.CREATEDOCUMENT
Const Embed_Attachment = 1454
Set AttachFile = CreateMail.CREATERICHTEXTITEM("Body")

Set AttachFile = CreateMail.CREATERICHTEXTITEM("Body")

'Embed attachment into the memo, the 3rd arguement is
the file and pathname

Dim Attachment As Object
Set Attachment = AttachFile.EMBEDOBJECT
(Embed_Attachment, "", strFile, "")
-----Original Message-----
Hi all,

I am trying to send emails from my Access database via
Lotus Notes. I have the code which lets me do this, but I
need to attach a couple of "Action buttons" to the
outgoing email. I now this can be done directly in Notes,
but was wondering if there is any VB code available which
will allow me to automate this from my access database?

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