notes flags summary



I use the notes flag summary everyday and at lest 3-4 times per week I find
items I've already checked off re-appearing or multiple items when there
should be one. Any way to avoid this?

Erik Sojka (MVP)

In the Notes Flag Summary Task Pane, is there a check in the "Show only
unchecked item" box?

Irina Yatsenko (MS)

Are you by any chance creating summary pages from the Note Flags Summary
pane? If so, you might want to set <Tools | Options | Note Flags> "Show
original flagged notes as dimmed" when creating the summary pages.


No I'm using the side pane listing only. I found the page will add duplicate
also so I stopped using htat one.

It's pretty consistent, I've checked several items everyday for the last
three time I look there back unchecked and sometime multiple
copies are listed.


Irina Yatsenko (MS)

Looks like a bug then.

Does this happen to noteflags from specific section? page? Are you the only
user working with this section (suppose so)? Is this a modified noteflag or
built-in one? Do you think you could share the section (if this repro
regulary for a given section) with me? Etc...

In case you'd like to follow up on this, please feel free to contact me at
(e-mail address removed).


Nope, seems to happen in random sections. But if I can narrow it down to a
section a two I'll send it over to you.

I'm the only user.

I've modified all the flags I use.


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