Notes.....notes...... what about reminders and ahh like a calendar



Well that says it all, just playing with NoteOne.... OneNOte its kind of fun
which is how I judge software that I have to WORK with, but come on......
just a few more bells and they might have something... Maybe blend it with
Outlook then you would have an app.

Erik Sojka

Microsoft's calendar and reminder, etc. program is Outlook. OneNote
contains ways to get OneNote data into Outlook for further processing. No
sense reinventing the wheel, right? ;)


there's a reason that Outlook has a Notes category - it's because it's
convenient and useful to have notes there in your calendar right next
to your contacts and task lists. Sadly, Outlook's Notes are weak and
thin compared to the mighty mighty OneNote.

Similarly, it would be convenient and useful to have task lists and
contact info right there next to all the planning notes in OneNote.

The integration betweeen Outlook and OneNote is adequate but it pales
next to the handy calander and syllabus in GoBinder. Improving the PIM
features of OneNote would result in a product that superior to
GoBinder and Outlook both. How is that not a good thing?


Better is better and it would be better to have easy integration, and should
not have to dig for it I am sorry. Software is supposed to be intuitive and
easy not obtuse and hard.
Do what Mehan says and make one or the other a great product, to hard to
move back and forth. Notes dont help much unless they DO something more than
file them, which is all I can see that NOTEONE is, a fun folder for notes and
the image function is cool.

Chris H.

I guess you don't have a Tablet PC, Richard? OneNote certainly is more than
what you're describing for me as not only a storage/link area for important
notes but a daily means of being organized. If you're not satisfied with
OneNote, take a look at GoBinder (, but then all programs
are not all things to all users.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
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