notes page-page setup


Becky Matakas

Maybe I am mistaken - but when I look at the Page Setup on the design tab I get the setup and size for printing a slide by itself. The margins shown there are not the margins that show up for a Notes page.

My Page Setup says: Width 10 inches, Height 7.5 inches. This is what I see when I print the slides.

The only control I have over the Notes page on this dialogue is the Orientation: ie, Notes, handouts and outline: Portrait or Landscape.

I need to be able to control the margins themselves, ie, I need to be able to set margins at .5 inch for Notes pages.

Steve Rindsberg wrote:

Re: Notes Master Size

Professional wrote

2003 or earlie
File, Page Setu

Design tab | Page Setup group | Page Setu

But changing the page setup on an existing presentation can screw things up i
you are not careful

What do you need to accomplish? Why change the page setup

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Previous Posts In This Thread:

Notes Master Size
My notes master is 7" wide by 10" high... How can i change it to make i

I have seen it at different sizes but cannot figure out how to change it - pag
setup does not seem to have any effect

Thanks in advance

The settings come from the paper size set in your default printer options I
The settings come from the paper size set in your default printer options

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Re: Notes Master Size
Professional wrote

2003 or earlie
File, Page Setu

Design tab | Page Setup group | Page Setu

But changing the page setup on an existing presentation can screw things up i
you are not careful

What do you need to accomplish? Why change the page setup

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