Notes Tab



Hi there, am a novice at MS Project but am working through it & have a
instructors manual to help but want to add in notes into some of the tasks
ie; task = Hire Manager, note = must have xyz qualifications. Can anyone help
me? Thanks Una

Jan De Messemaeker


Project, task Information, Notes Tab

But there is one thing that worries me about your approach

A person is a resource, not a task. A task is the work to be done. A tasks
does not have skills, a resoruce can have.

Gérard Ducouret

Hello Una,
Have you tried the "Task Note" button in the tool bar (small yellow label) ?

Gérard Ducouret [Project MVP]


Jan - thank you for this. Re the approach I was only using this as an example
but thank you for point it out. Cheers Una

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