"Notify me of replies" not working



For several months now, even though I check "Notify me of replies" when I
post a question, I'm not receiving 3-mail notifications in my Hotmail
account. And nothing is in the Junk folder either. Is this happening to
anyone else and is there a fix? I love these newsgroups but it is very
difficult in the busy ones like this one to find answers that might be posted
weeks later than the original request.

Thanks in advance.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

The notification feature has been broken since time out of mind, and it
won't be fixed because these forums are closing in two days. Reportedly
notification does (sometimes) work in the Answers forums.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA


Thank you for that information. I'm browsing around that site and it looks
like there will be quite a learning curve since its functionality seems quite
different from this one. Hopefully, I'll get used to it and figure out how to
post, search, and respond.


I'm praying they're as helpful and easy to use as this newsgroup. What is
Usenet? Do you recommend Usenet over the new forum? Will you wonderful MVPs
still provide answers at the new forum?

Stefan Blom

Usenet is simply a system for internet discussion groups (= newsgroups); for
more, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usenet.

Even after Microsoft has shut down their news server msnews.microsoft.public, it
will be possible to continue posting there (for example via a server such as
news.eternal-september.org if you are using a newsreader such as Outlook Express
or Windows Mail), but as many people won't be aware of this, the groups will
eventually "die." At Microsoft's web site, you will be directed to the forum, of

Many MVPs, including myself, are already answering questions in the new forums.


Woohoo!! See you at the forum, Stefan. Thanks!

Stefan Blom said:
Usenet is simply a system for internet discussion groups (= newsgroups); for
more, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usenet.

Even after Microsoft has shut down their news server msnews.microsoft.public, it
will be possible to continue posting there (for example via a server such as
news.eternal-september.org if you are using a newsreader such as Outlook Express
or Windows Mail), but as many people won't be aware of this, the groups will
eventually "die." At Microsoft's web site, you will be directed to the forum, of

Many MVPs, including myself, are already answering questions in the new forums.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP
(Message posted via msnews.microsoft.com)


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