Novice - design assistance required


Mark Phillips

I have a database in which I store a list of organisations in one
table, a list of members in another table and tie them together with a
list of memberships in a separate table to create a many-to-many
relationship (so each organisation can have many members and each
individual member may belong to many organisations.)

Now, each organisation has ONE secretary (who may or may not be a
member of that particular organisation (professional secretaries) but
will be a member of at least one organisation). Each member may be
secretary of of none, one or many organisations.

Here's the question:-
Do I need another table to identify the secretary of the organisation?
(many to many)?
OR can I link directly from the organisation table to the members
table (one-to-one)?
can I add an entry to the organisation table to identify the

Any suggestions gratefully received.


I would use your last suggestion.
Add a field to your Organizations table, which will hold the Primary Key of
the record in Members for the secretary of that organization.

- Turtle

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