NOVICE with text and list box queries



I've only been doing this for a few weeks and I haven't got a clue

I have text box input problems and list box problems


I have threetext boxes on a userfoorm called ClientAdd on Sheet2
(named) clients at the bottom of the screen and dimmed as shtClientAdd

Theyre called
txtAddress and
I want some code to accept input from each one and input it onto

Group Name to column "A"
Address to column "B"
And Contact to column "E" \
I have a commandbutton call cmdEnter set up for the text box input
As usual it doesn't do much
I have some code Ive done which only repetitively inputs data into
"A2" I don't have the net on at home and my floppy drive on my
computer seems to have bombed out just as I was saving the original
post with the code I've done. As usual I'm running late for the 70
hours work I do each week.

Ithere is a command button called EnterButton or cmdEnter

Nothing works

I have a list box on sheet 1 called "products" at the bottom of the
Dimmed to shtProductAdd

So far I've done this code for sheet1 "products" at the bottom of the
Excel screen
Dimmed to shtProducttAdd

I just want some code so that the products display in the list box
They don't ....nothing will go in there

Which can be selected and pasted into column "A" of sheet1
There is already data there
And I want it in descending order to follow the pre existing entries
(I also want the textbox input to find the next empty cell but there
is no existing data there)

Ive also got a listbox on the userform on sheet1 with this code
Private Sub ClientForm_Initialize() 'the userform on sheet1
Dim ListBox1 As ListBox
'select ............default list box
IstId.ListIndex = 0
'select default option button
'optTotal.Value = True
ListBox1.AddItem "M&M's plain (500g)"
ListBox1.AddItem "M&M's peanut (500g)"
ListBox1.AddItem "Cadbury Chocolate Bars (600g)"
End Sub

I want to place data into the list box
which doesnt happen yet
Then select the data and input it into column "A" of sheet1 called
"products" at the
bottom of the Excel screen dimmed to shtProductAdd
But none of my products shows in the listbox which remains empty

I know I need a command button or option button
I'm so inexperienced that I dont know which is more appropriate

I would greatly appreciate any help provided

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