nse website query


Pradip Jain

please see the following link


the site generates historical data of price and volume based on various
inputs as follows: scrip code, start date and end date. suppose we choose
scrip code as ACC and start date as Jan 1, 2008 and end date as April 1,
2008. the site generates a file whose name is based on the inputs and can be
downloaded from the following url:


It is easy to write a code to generate the URL for a particular stock and
period for which data is required. for example i want to download ACC data
from Jan 1 2008 to March 1, 2008 the URL will be as under:


but the problem is if we try to staight away download this file, it is not
found on the server. reason is simple, the site generates the file based on
the query run. thus when "get results" button is pressed, the file is
generated. thereafter the above link will work and i can download the
required file.

now my query is can we write code to make the website run query based on
inputs entered in excel sheet and generate the file on the server and then
download the same

Don Guillett

(e-mail address removed)
and look in the files section. There are several free files.
I have a couple of free files under author donalb36


However, it uses USD


Pradip Jain said:
please see the following link


the site generates historical data of price and volume based on various
inputs as follows: scrip code, start date and end date. suppose we choose
scrip code as ACC and start date as Jan 1, 2008 and end date as April 1,
2008. the site generates a file whose name is based on the inputs and can be
downloaded from the following url:


now my query is can we write code to make the website run query based on
inputs entered in excel sheet and generate the file on the server and then
download the same

You can download files if you set a reference to the
"Microsoft Internet Transfer Control"

Like this...

Sub getcsv()
Dim Inet1 As InetCtlsObjects.Inet
Dim s1 As String, s2 As String
Dim intfile As Integer

s1 = "inputtext=ACC&series=EQ&check=new&Fromday=1" _
& "&Frommon=1&Fromyr=2008&Today=1&Tomon=4&Toyr=2008"

s2 = "112008142008ACCEQN.csv"

s1 = "http://www.nseindia.com/marketinfo/equities/" _
& "scripvol/histscrip.jsp?" & s1

Set Inet1 = New InetCtlsObjects.Inet
If InStr(Inet1.OpenURL(s1, icString), s2) > 0 Then

s2 = "http://www.nseindia.com/content/equities/" _
& "scripvol/datafiles/" & s2

intfile = FreeFile
Open "c:\temp\test.txt" For Output As #intfile
Write #intfile, Inet1.OpenURL(s2, icString)
Close #intfile
End If
Set Inet1 = Nothing

End Sub

Also, Fiddler is very useful

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