nserting Page numbers for a document



Hi Everybody,

I have created a document by copying from many different documents
in to one document and I made a cover page and index(contents) to the
new document. The cover page and contents occupied around 11 pages and
from 12th page onwards the the real stuff started. Now I want to insert
page number from the 12th page as page No.1 which the word is not
allowing me. and also I want to number the index pages to be numbered
in roman style formt i.e. I,II,III,IV,V,....X. Can Any body help me to
sort outthis problem.

Thanks and Regards


Charles Kenyon

See response to your duplicate post in docmanagement newsgroup. In the
Microsoft Word newsgroups it is considered bad form to post separate
messages to multiple newsgroups. If you need to post in more than one forum
(unusual) please post a single message with both forums in the header of
that single message. That way (1) your question and the various answers stay
together, (2) less space is used on the news servers, (3) less bandwidth is
used on the Internet, (4) you only have to check one forum for answers that
appear in both forums, and (5) you won't unnecessarily annoy the people you
are asking for help. This isn't meant to criticize you. We were all
beginners once and the only way to learn is to try. (BTW, a number of the
Microsoft newsgroups don't want posting in more than one newsgroup, period.
Check the FAQ.)
Take a look on the MVP FAQ website under "getting help" for more reasons ase
well as other suggestions for getting answers more easily and quickly. <URL:

Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory: http://addbalance.com/word

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide) http://addbalance.com/usersguide

--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies
and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
from my ignorance and your wisdom.


Dear Charles Kenyon ,

I regret for posting the same question in multiple forums, its
because as I'm new to this forums and I couldn't decide in whch forum
I'have to post, next time onwards I'll not post in multiple forums.




Dear Charles Kenyon ,

I regreet for posting the same question in multiple forums,
its because as I'm new to this forums and I couldn't decide in whch
forum I'have to post, next time onwards I'll not post in multiple




Dear Charles Kenyon ,

I regret for posting in multiple news groups, As i"m new to
this news groups and I found multiple news groups, i was little bit
confused to which news group I have to post. So thats the reason I
posted in multiple news groups, and next time onwards therewill not be
any multiple group postings.

Thanks and Regards



Dear Charles Kenyon,

I regret for posting the same topic in multiple news
groups. As 'm new to yhese news groups and I found many news groups for
word, I couldn't decide in which news group I have to post my query.



Charles Kenyon

No apology needed. It is a common mistake and certainly one that I made when
I first started trying to get help here. The only real mistake we make in
life is not trying! Welcome to the newsgroups.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory: http://addbalance.com/word

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide) http://addbalance.com/usersguide

--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies
and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
from my ignorance and your wisdom.

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