Nulls in Joins



I have a table (actually a query) joined to 5 other tables (mostly queries)
by two keys: ProjectID, and EquipmentID. While ProjectID cannot be null,
EquipmentID can.

The primary (driver) table contains a list of all project/equipment
combinations that are possible, including projects with null equipment IDs.
The other tables (queries) have summarized spending for a given
Project/equipment pair. There are several different categories of spending,
and my client wants them on one line (like a crosstab query).

It appears that if the driver equipmentID is null, it matches nothing.


In the query design view, right click on the join indicator line and choose
"Join Properties", in that window you can modify the join to include "ALL"
records from one table (your Projects) and only records from the other (you
Equipment)where the join fields are equal.


Sadly, a null never matches a null or anything else. My query was already a
"left" query.

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