CyberTaz said:
But back to the original post - Do you have any insights as to why
Oscar's commas are coming up as decimal points & vice versa? I just
received an email from him... He has uninstalled Office, reinstalled
along with SP1 and confirmed his system settings to be correct and
still has the same problem.
First, uninstalling and reinstalling, a typical Windows solution, almost
never works on a Mac. Apps themselves just don't get corrupted, and Macs
don't have a central Registry that can get cleared out during a
reinstall. It's almost always a waste of time. The main exception is
when incomplete updates have been applied (perhaps due to a OS
permissions issue), so that there may be different versions of the
supporting files than are expected.
Second, uninstalling Office, unless done by running the Remove Office
application, is unlikely to completely uninstall the critical Office
files. Corruption, when it occurs, is usually a Preference file or some
other application support file, which simply trashing and reinstalling
the app folder won't touch.
Without having access to the OPs system, I don't have any additional
insight. On my systems, along with others I've tested, everything works
the way it's supposed to: when I change my international settings and
restart XL, XL's usage follows exactly the system usage.
I suppose it could be a bug in his Office language version, but I
haven't heard of anyone else reporting that problem.