I would like to format a range of numbers in a spreadsheet depending on
their individual values. The cell values are linked (e.g. ='Totals in
solution'!E7) to a cell containing an 'if' statement and calculation e.g.
=IF(D7<(D$3*D$4),((-D$3*D$4)*$C7/$B7),D7*($C7/$B7)) on another worksheet
within the workbook. It kicks out values ranging from -30 to >100 which I'd
like to format to 3 sig figs if less than 100 and no d.p. if 100 or greater.
I'd also like to be able to format the negative values to <0.000, <0.00 and
<00.0. I've a custom format that can manage some of this but not all. Any
suggestions greatly appreciated.
You can use an event driven macro (Sheet_change). However, given your
description there are some uncertainties as to which cells, when they change,
should trigger the macro. The variable "Target" gets set to the cell that
changes when the macro "fires". However, that will be the source cell of your
For testing purposes, you can see what I set Source equal to, but you should
restrict it to the minimum range required.
One might think about using the dependents property of Target. Unfortunately,
that will only apply to the active sheet, so may not add to the efficiency.
Perhaps someone else knows a better method to restrict the firing of this
macro, but it should work.
To enter it, right click on the sheet tab "Totals in Solution"; select the View
Code option, and paste the code below into the window that opens.
Alter the code so that AOI refers to the range where the data you wish to have
formatted is being displayed; and Source refers to the area where you enter
data that will change the results in AOI.
Hope this helps.
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim AOI As Range, Source As Range, c As Range
Set AOI = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B2

'Edit to range where results displayed
Set Source = Worksheets("Totals in solution").Range("A1:E50")
'Edit to range where data is entered
If Not Intersect(Target, Source) Is Nothing Then
On Error GoTo Handler
For Each c In AOI
With c
'round to 3 significant digits only for testing
Select Case Application.WorksheetFunction.Round _
(.Value, Fix(-Log(Abs(.Value)) / Log(10)) + _
3 + (Abs(.Value) > 1))
Case Is >= 100
.NumberFormat = "0"
Case Is >= 10
.NumberFormat = "0.0"
Case Is >= 1
.NumberFormat = "0.00"
Case Is > -1
.NumberFormat = "0.000;-0.000;0.000"
Case Is > -10
.NumberFormat = ";-0.00;"
Case Else
.NumberFormat = ";-0.0;"
End Select
End With
Next c
End If
Exit Sub
Handler: Select Case Err.Number
Case Is = 13 'Type Mismatch Probably a Text entry
Resume Next
Case Is = 5 'Invalid procedure call; .value probably 0
If c.Value = 0 Then c.NumberFormat = "0.000"
Resume Next
Case Else
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Resume Next
End Select
End Sub