Number Formatting


Old Red One

All cells in any - new or old - worksheet seem formatted to enter numbers as
"decimal number number number" as .22. I am unable to enter just a simple
two or three digit number without a decimal place, unless I enter four
digits and delete the zeros. I want to be able to get rid of the decimal.
I've tried Format Cells till I'm blue, to no avail. What am I doiing wrong,
and how did this formatting get entered? Please help!

Gord Dibben


Tools>Options>Edit. Un-check "fixed decimal places".

Accountants like this setting, but the rest of us don't use it.

Gord Dibben XL2002

Ron Rosenfeld

All cells in any - new or old - worksheet seem formatted to enter numbers as
"decimal number number number" as .22. I am unable to enter just a simple
two or three digit number without a decimal place, unless I enter four
digits and delete the zeros. I want to be able to get rid of the decimal.
I've tried Format Cells till I'm blue, to no avail. What am I doiing wrong,
and how did this formatting get entered? Please help!

Tools/Options/Edit and DEselect Fixed Decimal

Don't know how it got set that way.


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