number of ON users



How many are using ON aorund you?
I am a PhD student and in the whole faculty of 9 floors I do not know
anybody using it.

I dont understand why...
It is only me who is feeling lucky to have discovered ON.

What about you? How many people are there using ON?

Rainald Taesler

minimus said:
How many are using ON aorund you?

This question is hardly answerable ;-)
I am a PhD student and in the whole faculty of 9 floors I do not
know anybody using it.

This could be a common scenario - depending on the type of institution
and the people working there.
None of my colleagues is using ON and hardly any of our students do.
Most simply do not know what ON is and what it might be good for.

Some of my alumni do - just following my recommendation ;-)

Totally different in other places. There faculties of universities where
ON is used throughout.
I dont understand why...
It is only me who is feeling lucky to have discovered ON.

Obviously so.
"Word if mouth" really often is the reason for ON being in use.



Rainald Taesler said:
minimus wrote:
Obviously so.
"Word if mouth" really often is the reason for ON being in use.


For me it was not word of mouth. I was curious about when I saw it in the
office package.
So it is "my" curiosity. Yes ok I am a curious person. But I still do not
understand why other people are so less curious about a software package in
the office suite.

Just try for a few seconds, and it should be enough to light the bulbs.

It happened me so. I immediately saw the areas of uses for my purposes.
Now ON is my everything.
I mean literally, I have literally everything on ON:

my meal recipes,
my documents about my hobbies,
the read academic articles,
I build up a custom dictionary,
my to do list,
song lyrics....

I really think that MS should contact me to cut a deal that I play in ON's
advertisements =)

What was it? At times of ON 2003, there were some videos illustrating ON use
in different sectors in the labor market....

Wish I could watch those videos again..

Let me see maybe on youtube...

Rainald Taesler

minimus said:
For me it was not word of mouth. I was curious about when I saw it
in the office package.
So it is "my" curiosity. Yes ok I am a curious person. But I still
do not understand why other people are so less curious about a
software package in the office suite.

Just try for a few seconds, and it should be enough to light the

Obviously not the same with most people. ON comes as a part of an Office
Suite as a "trial" with a timeout limit in many new computers and and
only too many just do not even look at what they don't know :-(

And only too many colleagues just ask back in a clueless manner when I
told them that ON was a MUST-check-out part if Office
It happened me so. I immediately saw the areas of uses for my
Now ON is my everything.
I mean literally, I have literally everything on ON:

my meal recipes,
my documents about my hobbies,
the read academic articles,
I build up a custom dictionary,
my to do list,
song lyrics....

I could make the list even quite a bit longer <gbg> - just two thing
most important for me:
a) keeping all kind of personal information like credit-card numbers,
subscriptions, etc., etc. on my mobile phone (in fact a PDA) and having
that always in sync;
b) keeping the TOC and all related info for my lectures in a table on
the PDA and having that updated all the time.
I really think that MS should contact me to cut a deal that I play
in ON's advertisements =)

What was it? At times of ON 2003, there were some videos
illustrating ON use in different sectors in the labor market....

Wish I could watch those videos again..

Let me see maybe on youtube...

Just check in the ON-Homepage [1], there's quite some stuff available
there (webcasts, demos).
And there is a lot of useful things in the "OneNote and Education"
website [2], f.e. Prof. Dr. Lauridsen's lecture "OneNote and Learning
Styles" and additional lectures [3]


Steve Silverwood

"Word if mouth" really often is the reason for ON being in use.

I agree. I was long known as the "OneNote Freak" at my previous place
of employment. It was considered somewhat of a joke, along with my
penchant for trying to salvage a little additional life from older
systems by putting Linux on them and using them for various low-end
purposes (servers, guest machines, etc.) rather than buying new

I don't much miss working there any more.


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