Gina Liddle
Please ignore what I've written below...it probably doesn't make sense
What I really need is a way to count all tasks and blank lines in a plan
made up of 37 consolidated plans. I've tried:
NumTsk=ActiveProject.Tasks.Count - gives total of project summary bars for
each consolidated plan = 37
NumTsk=ActiveProject.NumberofTasks - gives total number of tasks excluding
blank lines = 2063
Actual number of tasks and blank lines = 2243
What I really need is a way to count all tasks and blank lines in a plan
made up of 37 consolidated plans. I've tried:
NumTsk=ActiveProject.Tasks.Count - gives total of project summary bars for
each consolidated plan = 37
NumTsk=ActiveProject.NumberofTasks - gives total number of tasks excluding
blank lines = 2063
Actual number of tasks and blank lines = 2243