paul said:
I am running a highly detailed database and have approx
60 users at any given time. The system keeps crashing. I
know that Access can only handle approx 255 connections.
Is there any way around this???? Im banging my head
agaist the wall looking for a solution.
There's an introductory presentation on Access in a Multiuser Environment
that I did for my user group that you can download from It will identify topics that I thought
worthwhile to discuss, and a bit more. The best collection of detailed
information and links on the subject of Access in the multiuser environment
is at MVP Tony Toews' site,
If you have multiple users logging in to the same copy of the front-end
(queries, forms, reports, macros, and modules) or a monolithic database (all
objects including tables and data), the probability of corruption is
significantly increased.
If you can clarify with some detail, perhaps someone can be of more help.
Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP