Number-only field allows "t" and "h"?!



Set a field to be a number only and then try adding letters. Most fail and
cause the field to be 0, but somehow Word thinks that t and h are allowed and
then any calculations *STOP* at the t or h, so that t.00 is 0.00, 5h6.00 is
5.00, 9.9t is 9.90 and so on.

What the?!

Suzanne S. Barnhill

My fly-by guess is that Word is allowing for ordinals (4th, 5th) in dates,
but if that were the case, wouldn't st, nd, and rd also have to be allowed?


My thoughts as well, so I guess we can call this one a BUG. If they put out
a new version that ONLY fixed bugs, I'd upgrade EVERY client faster than any
tweaked interface and color scheme in their annual versions to date...
Oh well, guess I have to "deal" with this one, but it's not as bad as when I
change a field and then have to open and click the "OK" button in every other
field ot make sure they all calculate properly afterwards - but that's
another topic entirely...

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?Rm9pbGVkQnlPZmZpY2U=?=,
I guess we can call this one a BUG
It is. I reported it two days ago and it's been entered in
the bug database.

Cindy Meister

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