Number Range as X-axis




I need to graph this function (something like f(x) = x^3+x^2+x+4) where
the x values are ranging from 0 to 20 inclusive. How can I set the x
values to range from 0 to 20 so that it will give me a graph of f(x)
with all possible x values from 0 to 20??



Is there a reasons why you don't want to have eg values 0 to 20 in cells
a1:a21, apply the formula in cells b1:b21, and chart that?


Yes, that is a possible way of doing it for simple plots but the proble
with mine is that I need to graph a pointer function [which i
LOG(ABS(f(x)))] where f(x) is the polynomial and x is ranging from 0 t
20. I need to get it to 4 decimals accuracy. I can *possilbly* put i
my A column from 0.0001 all the way to 20.0000 and caculate the pointe
function according to the A column values but that will take ove
10000+ cells to fill it all in........and if I just put in the A colum
0 to 20 as integers.....the graph won't graph the in between point
which is very crucial since I need to look at the behaviour of th
graph to find the minimums.

So, I'm wondering if there is a way to let Excel define the range 0 t
20 and apply it to the pointer function and graph it.

Thanks again.



Thanks. That will work but my question is if there is a way to set
number ranges for the x-values in Excel for charting.....rather than
entering all the x values in column A.



Hi Lory,

probably another dumb suggestion, but is this what you're after?
it adjusts the chart x axis min and max according ot the value
inputted in the shaded squares, so you can effectively 'zoom' to th
values you want.

Alternatively, the macro sets x axis min and max for the active chart

Attachment filename: example.xls
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Tushar Mehta

Use the Plot Manager add-in, available from my web site.


Tushar Mehta, MS MVP -- Excel
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

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