number range returning a text value




I would like to be able to return a specific text when a number is added to
a column. For example, if a number is inputted and it falls within the range
"1-5", then the text field "low" is returned. If however "6" is inputted, the
result would give the text "Medium", and if "10" is inputted, the returning
text field is "High"

Thanks for any help


Try this.........


Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


Create a lookup table, containing the possible values and there respective
responses, say 1 - 10, and in an adjacent cell whether it should return Low,
Medium or High or whatever else., Name this range something like Criterion.
Where you want the result to display, enter the following formula:
=VLOOKUP(<cell ref of the cell containing the value, eg
A3>,Criterion,2,FALSE). That will give you the correct result every time.

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