Number repeating sections?



Without getting into code, is there any easy way to automatically have the
repeating sections "auto number?"


Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I'm trying to number a
"repeating section." An example I'm trying to duplicate is in the "Agenda"
section of the Meeting Template. I'm not seeing anything when I look at the
properties. The tutorial you sent me to was refering to a "repeating field."
I admit I'm not too computer savy but I couldn't make the tutorial fix my
problem. Please attempt to try and help me again....... Thanks.

S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

Your original question asked for an "easy" way to autonumber repeating
sections. A repeating field is part of a repeating group (table or section),
so the tutorial would have provided a possible "easy" way. You also did not
want to get into code, but if you want to duplicate the functionality of the
"Meeting Agenda" template, you will have to get into code. :) The numbering
in this template is done in code through a function called "reindex". Hope
you can take things from there...

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