Through a conversion, account numbers have come over as:
10/10/2009. We want them to be 10-10-2009. However, when I use the
following formula
=LEFT(A109,2) & "-" & MID(A109,4,2) & "-" & RIGHT(A109,4)
The formula thinks the numbers (ex 10/10/2009) is a date. Formatting the
numbers to text doesn't work either. I tried adding to" ' " in front of the
numbers but I'd have to manually do it for every number.
10/10/2009. We want them to be 10-10-2009. However, when I use the
following formula
=LEFT(A109,2) & "-" & MID(A109,4,2) & "-" & RIGHT(A109,4)
The formula thinks the numbers (ex 10/10/2009) is a date. Formatting the
numbers to text doesn't work either. I tried adding to" ' " in front of the
numbers but I'd have to manually do it for every number.