Numbered Coupons


Steve Samson

I'm trying to create a table of about 500 numbered coupons. All the text
on each coupon is identical except for the sequence number. The sequence
number needs to start at an arbitrary value and go up incrementally by 1.

Mailmerge seems like overkill for this purpose, but I'm not sure how to
insert a counter variable field and increment it at each occurence. the
sticking point so far has been specifying the initial value.

Suggestions, especially step-by-step instructons, would be most welcome.


Steve Samson

Steve Samson

Thanks for trying, but sorry, that article is not quite what I need.
The numbered invoice has the counter value once per document. I need it
500 times in the document, once per table cell. I'm not sure that the
method in that article can be adapted to my situation.

Still looking...



Insert a SEQ field in each table cell. Set the starting number
by adding a \r switch to the SEQ field in the first table cell.

Steve Samson


Thanks for the tip. Worked pretty well, but I could not copy a block
containing the SEQ fields without then replacing each SEQ field. Do you
know of a way to redrive symbol substitution?

Anyway, good enough to get the job done.




I created a { SEQ ticket } field in the first cell of a table,
copied and pasted it to each of the remaining cells in the table,
changed the field in the first table cell to { SEQ ticket \r 101
}, selected the entire table, pressed Alt+F9 to turn off display
of field codes, pressed the F9 key to recalculate, and got a
whole bunch of sequential numbers beginning with 101. Does this
not work for you? What do you mean by "redrive symbol

Steve Samson

Problem solved: Select all, F9. Done.

Thanks for putting me on the right track.


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