Numbered Lists


Stefan Blom

If you are saying that each section is in a separate document, you could
just type the first number (and the period, of course); in this case,
you would type "2." before the actual number in the "Number format" box.

If you want numbering to remain "live," you could set up an
outline-numbered list (see and set
the "Start at" number for level 1 to be 2.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message
news:[email protected]...


Can someone please help me with my simple numbered list?

All I would like to do is create a list like this:

2.1 Topic
2.2 Topic
2.3 Topic
2.4 Topic

The 1 section is in another document. I can't seem to nut out the Bullets &
Numbering dialog. If anyone could provide step by step instructions, I would
be most grateful.


Terry Farrell

Would you please correct your PC clock: it is a day in advance of itself.

If you are using this as a trick to keep YOUR post at the top of the list,
don't think it helps because Windows Mail and the latest versions of most
newsreaders can now delete delinquent posts.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

But the time on your system is set relative to GMT, and yours is incorrect.
For example, it is currently a little before 9 AM on April 26 where I am
(Central Daylight Time in the U.S.), but your posting time is shown as 6:04
PM on April 26. The reason for this, as shown by your message header (Thu,
26 Apr 2007 17:04:07 -0600), is that your system is set to GMT -0600, which
would be Mountain Daylight Time (or Central Standard Time) in the U.S. (my
headers show GMT -0500).

So regardless of what time is displayed on your system clock, your time zone
is set incorrectly.


Hi Terry

I'm in Australia, I AM a day ahead! From the US anyway. No trickery here.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Still a problem, I think, as your header is claiming it's Saturday where you
are (Sat, 28 Apr 2007 00:15:23 +1000). For me here in Alabama, it is 6:22 PM
on Thursday, April 26, and your post claims to have been posted at 9:15 AM
on Friday. Now that you've corrected the time zone, you may need to reset
the date and time.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

No, I think you're still a day ahead, as your post is showing 7:01 PM on
April 28, my time, whereas it's still April 27 here. I should think you'd be
seeing the wrong date there as well, as your message header shows Sun, 29
Apr 2007 10:01:14 +1000.


Well this has been a real learning experience. One that has made me feel
like a real muppet.

I am actually a successful professional, believe it or not!

Hopefully I can prove that by finally getting my time right!;-)



This is a comedy of errors on my part. Hopefully now, my date, time and
region are all good.

Thanks for your patience and apologies for any inconvenience.


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