Numbering, having problem with level 3


Tom Duprex

Using Word 2002. I am trying to establish numbering of sections on a
large document. I've been using Shauna's How to create numbered
headings or outline numbering instructions. I have followed the
instructions to the letter, several times. My problem is that for level
3 I am getting three ones only the middle one does not have the grayish
background in Number Format in the Customize Outline Numbered List.
That is, for Level 1 I get 1. for level 2 I get 1.1., for level three I
get 1.1.1 but the middle 1 does not have that grey background, for
level four I get and so on through level nine that shows up
correctly. However, I cannot get level three to show up correctly.
Consequently, the numbering in my document for level three is screwed
up. I've been over the instructions and screens several times.

The numbering in my sections when I first encounter a level three
subsection goes as follows: 4.1;4.1.1;4.1.2;....4.1.10 . It appears
that the level three is working. Then I go to section 4.2; 4.3; 4.4
which have no subsections. When I get to section 4.5 I then get 4.1.1
all over again and also in section 4.9 the first subsection is again
4.1.1. For level 3 I have restart numbering checked for after section
2. (For level 2 I have restart numbering checked for after section 1 -
it's working okay.)

I'm assuming that because level 3 is not showing the middle numeral one
in gray of the 1.1.1. that this is causing my subsection problem
resulting in all subsections after 4.1 to start repeating the 4.1.1

What could be keeping level 3 from showing up correctly?


Tom Duprex

I got up this morning reset everything. I then proceeded to implement
outline numbering again. Things went okay except:. What I'm seeing now
is that the first two numbers in level three are swapped. I am seeing
4.1, then 1.4.1 instead of 4.1.1 . I confirmed this by Customized
Outline Numbered List / Preview pane and changing my start number to
see other than all ones and sure enough when I say start a 2, the
screen shows:

Please help me understand what's going on with level 3 and how to fix

Tom Duprex


Not being familiar with Word and just learning I at one time must have
corrupted the Outlining Numbered samples. I just happened to notice the
reset button. The rest is history. What was really confusing to me was
that I apparently corrupted the displays in a way that they all looked
alike! As I reset them It was clear what was the root cause (I mean
except me of course).


Tom, It would seem you've unknowingly reset the style for
some occurrence of Heading 3 "for this section only"
or "from this point forward." Ctrl+Spacebar removes
special text formatting, but I'm looking on this forum how
to remove special autonumbering formatting that's been
inadvertently applied. Let me know if you resolve...

I try to keep a "pure" working format in a template,
confining experimentation to a document, but this time,
I'm lost, too.

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