Numbering Headings and Paragraphs



I've been reading the help files but getting tied up in knots.

Using Word 2000. I need to have Heading 1 given a number, with Heading 2s
below linked to that particular Heading 1. Then all normal paragraphs below
the H2 to be numbered accordingly.


1 Introduction

1.1 What is this manual?
1.1.1 some text in a paragraph...
1.1.2 some more text in a paragraph...

1.2 How to use this manual
1.2.1 some text in a paragraph...
1.2.2 some more text in a paragraph...

2 Getting Started

2.1 Heading 2
2.1.1 some text....

And so on. I've tried a few things and followed an mvps "easy" instruction
page. The first instruction was to modify Heading 1 to make sure it is
based on "No style" but I couldn't find how to do that.

Maybe there's an easy way to do it? Thanks for your help.

Daiya Mitchell

These are the instructions you need:

If it's the one you already looked, and got stopped on: "Modify the
Heading 1 style so that it is based on "No style". "--you see how Modify
is in blue? It's a link to an explanation of how you Modify a style.
Click on it for the instructions, modify the style, go back to the
original page. Note that you'll have to pay attention to whether you
are reading the directions for Word 2000 or 2002--the pages give both.

hope that helps.


Ah. Right, now I'm getting somewhere. I've managed to set up my Heading 1
and Heading 2 to work properly. I was using the numbering box to link level
to the previous heading: it should be link level 1 to heading 1, level 2 to
heading 2.

Now, I need to sort out the paragraphs that are linked to each Heading 2. -
these would have numbers like 1.1.1, 1.1.2 as shown below.

Can I do this by giving the normal text a number? In the customise number
boxes there are only level 1-9 down the left hand side. I tried linking
level 3 to Normal but it says the ListNumfield list name is already in use
and to choose another.

Thanks for your help.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You could use Heading 3 for ordinary text if you're not going to use it for
headings, but try using Body Text instead of Normal.


Sorry, I just can't get it to work. I've been able to add numbers to
paragraphs using Body Text but I can't get the numbers to link up to any of
the previous headings.

The numbers now take the form:

1 Heading 1
1.1 Heading 2
1.1.1 para
1.1.2 para
1.1.3 para (this looks OK but...)
1.2 Heading 2
1.1.4 para (should be 1.2.1)
1.1.5 para (should be (1.2.2)

2 Heading 1
2.1 Heading 2
1.1.6 para (should be 2.1.1)
1.1.7 para (should be 2.1.2)
2.2 Heading 2
1.1.8 para (should be 2.2.1)

I think it would be easier not to bother because every time I try something
it messes up something else so I have to change it all back again.

Thanks for your help.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

If you have followed the instructions at, linking all
the styles to the same outline-numbered list, then it should work. Remember
that you have to set up numbering for all the styles after going in through
the Level 1 style (in this case, Heading 1). And of course remember to check
the box for "Restart numbering after."


I gave it another go but now I will admit defeat and give up.

I managed to get Heading 1 and "normal" set up OK but the Heading 2s only
showed .1, .2 instead of 1.1, 1.2 etc.

So I went back in and altered Heading 2 so that it worked correctly but then
noticed that "normal" had been renumbered something like 21..1.
23..1. (no idea how that happened).

So tried to change "normal" but that ended up messing up Heading 1 numbers
(all were numbered 1) and made things even worse.

It will be quicker if I stick just to H1s and H2s and then write in the para
numbers by hand.

Thanks anyway.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Start from scratch. Open the Modify Style dialog for Heading 1 and choose
Format | Numbering. On the Outline Numbered tab, select the pane in the List
Gallery that shows the 1, 1.1, 1.1.1 style of numbering to begin with. Then
follow Shauna's steps very carefully, linking Levels 1-3 to the desired
styles. Name the list template. Don't OK out until you have complete
assigning the styles. You shouldn't have to change anything about the
numbering itself, though you may want to change the indents or other
settings. By default Level 2 will be set to restart after Level 1 and Level
3 after Level 2. You should not have to do anything further.

John McGhie [MVP Word, Word Mac]

In addition to what Suzanne said, please note a couple of points:

1) You must use the built-in styles named Heading 1 through to Heading 9
with numbering. These have speciual built-in properties that make the
numbering work correctly.

2) If you do not use these styles, you have to do twice as much work to add
the special properties to the styles you do use. Unless you have an exact
and complete understanding of the whole Word numbering mechanism, you are
likely to get conflicts and get into the situation you are now in.

3) You must NOT use Normal style in any part of a numbering scheme. if you
do, you will create a labyrinth of circular references all over the
document. And get into the situation you are now in.

Shauna's instructions make this process easy. However, they are very
simplified instructions for using an extremely complex mechanism. Shauna's
instructions assume you are following them exactly. If you don't follow
them exactly, you need twice as much information to guarantee to be safe.

Hope this helps


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John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

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