numbering items in a cell




Is it possible to number items in a cell?

This number should automatically increment when I enter a new item at the
end of the cell as in microsoft word.


T. Valko

Is it possible to number items in a cell?

If there's some kind of unique delimiter that separates the items then you
can count the delimiters and add 1. For example:


You'd count the number of commas and add 1. So, that cells contains 3 items

red yes no blue

You'd count the number of space characters and add 1. So, that cell contains
4 items.

You should post some examples.


One method:
In A1 enter a 1
In A2 enter: =IF(OR(B2>0,B2>""),A1+1,"") and copy down (you could then hide
column A)
In C2 enter: =A2&" "&B2 and copy down
Now in column B (starting in B2) enter your data.
Column C should give you the desired result


An example is given below. All the items given below is in the same cell

1. Manu
2. Mini
3. Saiju

if I press alt+enter the next item should start with 4.

T. Valko

All the items given below is in the same cell
if I press alt+enter the next item should start with 4.


I don't know how you'd do that all in the same cell. In fact, I'd love to
see someones solution. I don't think it can be done. While you're typing
data into a cell Excel is in Edit mode. Nothing can happen in Excel while
you're in Edit mode until you actually enter the data in the cell by either
hitting the Enter key, the tab key, one of the directional arrow keys or
clicking the "enter" icon.

Gord Dibben

Cannot be done.

Excel knows nothing about bulleted lists.

You will have to enter the "4." manually after Alt + Enter on 3. Saiju

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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